Wednesday 25 September 2024

The Sands of Time

 Has my life got so mundane or routine that I struggle to post on here? Do people really want to hear about me winning golf tournaments, supporting Wayne Rooney, landscaping the garden or getting merry at beer festivals, because, to be honest, they seem to be the major acivities dominating my life during the Summer. with no posts throughout July and August and only a couple in May or June, there has been less to bring to the attention of my regular readers.

So what has happened that's different and news worthy about me, or the World in general? Me first.

Well number 1 son is now a qualified fitness instructor, earning a crust in a gym in Geneva. Its a tough school with the need to build up the client base the big challenge. So far so good though. He tied in his qualification by taking Tay to a Taylor Swift concert where he did the one knee thing and got engaged. We are down to Bristol in October to meet Tay's family which should be good.

SWMBO continues to try to recover from a very unique hamstring injury which occurred during a Park Run in March. Rather than the hammy snapping, the tendon to bone attachment tore and the bone splintered. It's tricky to treat so the recovery process will take some while yet.

I have been trucking along during the activities listed earlier, although I had a scare when I got into difficulties trying to climb the Worcestershire Beacon near Malvern. Just me thinking I was still 40 and could do serious climbing with nil preparation. Lesson learnt. 

Number 1 grandaughter has jibbed off  her football chum and hooked up with a guitarist, so she is now a groupie. She has GCSE exams next May so all focus on those.

Number 1 grandson has moved to senior school and seems to be finding time to fit lessons in between rugby, golf, swimming and football.

Talking of rugby ( you see what I did there), the S-Club have finally knocked Twickenham weekends away on the head. There have been several reasons for that. Twickenham ( or the Allianz as it is called now) is full of corporate or non-rugby types, who are up and down to the bar all match. The ticket prices are around £120 pounds and until recently the product on the pitch was not worth that price. The kick-off times are also less conducive to a good post match run ashore somewhere. Factor in one or two nights hotel at £150 and rail tickets prices and it becomes an uncomfortably expensive trip.

So all good teams have a plan B and ours is to embrace the Champions Cup in 2024 and the U20 fixtures in 2025. First up is Bristol v Leinster where hotel, travel and match tickets are less than the cost of a ticket to Twickenham. who can't love Bristol. It has an Ivy restaurant and a Fullers pub although it takes three trains to get there these days.

SO probably more changes ahead as SWMBO and I are setting up a few visits to see houses with a view to considering whether we should be downsizing. No reason to at the moment but better to do it when fit and able than when one is infirm and it becomes a struggle. Watch this space.