Sunday, 19 January 2025


 One consistency during our Caribbean adventure was the unanimous loathing the Americans have for their new President. He would almost seem like a US equivalent of Enoch Powell, the Midland MP who would gain support for his controversial policies by preaching to the less intelligent members of society who were easily led.

Trump is clearly targeting the'good old boys', rednecks and others of a similar outlook to fuel his radical approach to changing the World. His pardoning of the Senate rioters looks like it will set the scene.

There may be trouble ahead!

The great British belly

 So off we go with the second blog of the year, SWMBO and I have just returned from ten days in Barbados, our first proper holiday since our Safari two years ago and first visit to the island since before Covid.

There are several theme's to expand on but the one which captured my interest was the ability to study a cross section of the UK population, and understand the challenges facing the NHS now and in the future.

There were huge beer bellies, chain smokers of a nature I had not experienced for years, and tattoo's a-plenty and that was just the women. It is clear the population has an obesity challenge, and it extends further than Birkenhead, where thunder thighs are a common sight amongst young girls and probably genetic.

There is much talk of the elderly bed blocking in our hospitals, so why I wonder does the Government not reintroduce the Nightingale hospital programme and use then to free up main hospital beds. Student nurses can train on the job under the supervision of an old fashion Matron and its a win-win situation

Kenneth Williams eat your heart out!

Must do better

 Did I really only do eight posts in 2024? It wasn' t that dull was it? Well maybe it was, Do my reader's really want to hear about me winning golf trophies, well only one actually but it is impressive and 98 years old, More to the point have I got many readers left, I can check see how many hits l get but I can't even be bothered. Its all done as a friends update, a bit like the Christmas Round Robin, but drip fed and a historical record of grandad if the grandkids ever want to know what I got up to.

Interestingly l could not have done a Round Robin last year as I was without technology for a few weeks as l got hacked. I was financially compromised earlier in the year and lost a few hundred pounds. The Bank re-imbersed me but as a tech savvy chap l was well pissed off that l got duped, imagine then how l felt the second time?

I manged to disengage before we got to the finance bit however the left some ransomware behind as a free gift. After a lot of effort l had no success removing it so had to reload from scratch. This is the first blog since then as all bookmarks and cache entries were well corrupted 

Anyway I am back and news will start to flow more regularly, starting now.