Thursday, 11 December 2008

Tralalalala lalalalal

A vicar in Walsall has written a new version of the The Twelve Days of Christmas as follows :

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
12 soldiers serving
11 lottery losers
10 hoodies hollering
Nine single mothers
Eight AIDS victims
Seven shoppers struggling
Six carers caring
Five repossessings
Four calling conmen
Three starving children
Two addicts shaking
And a poor homeless refugee

While all is not well in the world, it does seem a bit gloom and doom, so here is my alternative which I hope gives a balanced view. It also scans a bit better!!

The Twelve Days of Christmas Revisited:
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
12 soldiers serving (I like that one)
11 Royals boozing
10 Ballroom dancers
Nine judges judging
Eight lotto winners
Seven banks a merging
Six Poles decamping
Five cycling golds

Four pints of pride
Three curries
Two cuddly birds
And a brand new colour TV ( 42" flatscreen and heavily discounted of course!)

Ho ho ho!!


Richard Donkin said...

My two pennorth:

12 Pirates boarding
11 Bombs exploding
10 Bankrupts leaping
9 Bosses quitting
8 Hedge funds milking
7 Companies sinking
6 Woolworths selling
5 Old farts
4 Closing banks
3 Red Kens
2 Per cent rates
And a speaker up a gum tree

Anonymous said...

How old are the cuddly Birds ?

Anonymous said...

How old are the cuddly Birds ?