Tuesday 20 October 2015

Molly Malone

We took in the quarter final games at the rugby world cup in various bars in Dublin. We had planned it months ago, so brother-in-laws David being Welsh, and I always sensed one of us might be enjoying the craic more than the rugby. That will have been me then.

So it was Guinness, watch a game, major food then watch another game with more Guinness. Sunday was brunch watch two games with Guinness, then a major steak restaurant, nightcap and bed. All in all a very full on 48 hours.

Three of the games were classic, with the other being NewZealand finding some form to seriously stuff France. The locals were a bit shell shocked as the Argues blew them away, a result I had predicted days earlier.

The bars were not as lively as I had expected, but the semi-final weekend should be a cracker. Come on the winners.

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