Monday, 29 July 2019

Cool man, said Dylan

A lot of comment in the media at the moment about the legalisation of cannabis has also pushed the legal aspect of the drug to the forefront of many peoples thinking. The likelihood of cannabis plants being grown legally in everybodys loft or garage is unlikely to happen shortly, but members of a Government task force who have just returned from Canada are optimistic that the same process the Canadians use could e copied successfully here.

One of the current challenges is how to decide what is legal and what is not, Customs officers appear to confiscate some supplies of CBT Oil which parents in particular are bringing into the Country to try to treat afflictions like seizures in their young children. At the same time International rugby players George Kruis and Dominic Day have launched a Company selling the oil to fellow athletes for remedial and recovery purposes which seems all above board.

Small amounts of CBD Oil can be obtained fairly easily by mail order. Our oldest has an interest in a Swiss company which exports to the UK. You can check it out here. I have used it for some time to ensure my PSA readings are maintained in the safe zone as far as any prostate cancer traces are concerned. So far so good.

So it all seems to be confused and unco-ordinated at the moment, but if you need to try any out yourself give Kannaroyale a go at the link above

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