So what to do without access to the course which will allow the swing to function reasonably well? My solution has been to invest in a simulator to allow me to wack my ball into the net at the end of the garden, but, instead of just thinking 'that was fairly straight' or 'that went miles' the computer software is able to show me.
Now I could put one of SWMBO's best white sheets in the net and fix my PC up to a projector and really think I am on the range, but I am happy with the results being fed to the PC beside me. So far the simulator is confirming that I am a pretty ordinary golfer, but it is highlighting few thinks I can work on.
I have tried other simulators and not really got on with them, but so far this one seems to have roughly the right length shots for most clubs, and its the direction and club speed which I need to work on. It has a bag mapping option to allow me to see how far each club goes. This then identified gaps in yardage or overlaps. It also has a wedge matrix to allow me to see which lofted clubs are best for me to carry.
With the weather changing though I am not sure how many more sessions I have got to fix a few faults, or fix the holes appearing in the net!!
Elsewhere in Weathers Towers we are without hot water at the moment as it seems the emersion heater has developed a short circuit which keeps blowing the breaker. How to find an electrician or plumber in the current climate will be interesting. At least I have now finished the outdoor portfolio of jobs although SWMBO has identified a few more. The Council tips look likely to open next week so there will be no excuse for not trimming a few trees and bushes. With luck my tree surgeon will also be back at work and able to take some of the bigger limbs down for me.
If it does rain for a few days I can catch up on phone calls and 2020 Captains administration as well as starting the list of indoor activities. I am not waiting on any e-bay purchases as I have no money left to fritter away after the simulator outlay, but if interested, my mystery purchase from China was a chandelier of dubious design and value. One for the car boot cupboard I suspect.
So that's the sum of it at the moment, things are becoming a little more mundane but if it keeps us safe and healthy then we have to knuckle down and toe the party line. When it does open again the golf course will be in magnificent condition and the clubhouse is undergoing a make-over so we wait to see the end result. Fore!
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