Thursday, 23 February 2017

Biffa bear

There is an overwhelming case for sympathising with Juhel Miah, a Welsh maths teacher, who was refused boarding on an America bound flight from Iceland this week. It was particularly difficult as he was accompanying a group of school children who were allowed to fly and were clearly distressed that their teacher was left behind.

The story was featured on national television and showed him working out the value of x in a algebraic equation on a whiteboard at his school. He rightly included the verification process to ensure you got the right result.

It is such a pity when he wrote 'substitute' on the board, that he spelt it wrong! Clearly whiteboards do not benefit from spell checker!!

The whole joy of language seems to be degrading by the day. Lazy usage, abbreviations and American influences are all so sad to see and hear , but when our teachers can't spell, and address classes as 'guys' there really does not seem to be much hope going forward.

I am just off to prestidigitate and hope it all vanishes!  

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