Tuesday, 21 July 2020

'Royal' Bidston

This week was tinged with sadness by the passing of Marty, but I had golf commitments through the week which had to be honoured and I know he would have wished the same.

Monday started the week off with a matchplay against a team from Portal Golf Club in Cheshire, and, as often happens the Wallasey course inspired them to greatness and we were well beaten on the day. The club is part of the MacDonald hotel group, and they seem to be suffering from the Coronavirus knock-on with limited staff managing the course and the group reassessing their way forward. Let's hope all goes well for them.

The KO was sponsored by Linksbook, a golfing network community being developed by Milestone Events who were the organising Company behind the Virgin Atlantic golf league. That league has also been canned now by Virgin so one hopes that Linksbook will fill the void left by their pull out.

Tuesday saw a change in fortune as I and the immediate past Captain took on our opposite numbers from prenton golf club prior to a scratch match between the two Clubs. It has been a long standing tradition for the captians to lead out the teams, although their result does not count towards the scratch league result. I am pleased to report though that we won our match as did the scratch tem. They have now won two out of two and move on to Caldy golf club tonight.

On Wednesday my year group in the Liverpool Society of golf clubs met at Bidston golf club  and had a very enjoyable day playing their course. The wind kept everybody honest and the large turnout gave us the chance to meet up and chat as well as receive our year group shirts. They were described by FootJoy as athletic fit which amused those of us with the fuller figure. The bar and catering side of things was open so a very enjoyable day was had by all

That was all the golf for the week. I spent Thursday and Friday cutting down trees for number two daughter and then filling a skip.

I now have six rounds of golf in the next seven days, so stay tuned as fatigue is bound to kick in and that is always good for a story or two!!.


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